We’re excited you’re interested in Bel Air Preschool.
Our admissions process for the 2025-2026 school year is outlined below.
We’re excited you’re interested in Bel Air Preschool.
Our admissions process for the 2024-2025 school year is outlined below.
Sign Up for a Tour
The tour season for the 2025-2026 school year begins October 1, 2024. Touring is a pre-requisite to application.
Submit an Application
Applications are given out at the end of tours. Please return by January 31, 2025.
You may be contacted to schedule a family interview after receipt of application.
Decision Letters Mailed
Acceptance and wait list letters are sent February 2025.
Ages & Hours Served
Bel Air Preschool serves children 2 to 5 years of age.
(Must be 2 by first day of school of enrolled school year)
Half Day
5 days per week
Full Day
5 days per week
Add-On Programs
Based on Availability
Early Morning Dropoff
Full year required
Extended Care
Full year required

All families are encouraged to apply. The following factors will be considered when admitting children. These factors are subject to change or review at our discretion.
- Siblings of current students and siblings of alumni
- Availability of preferred schedule
- Bel Air Church membership
- Children must be between the ages of 2 and 5.
- Children must be toilet trained and be able to use restroom facilities independently.
The wait pool begins after acceptance letters are sent out. If an appropriate space in the Preschool becomes available, applicants who have been placed in the wait pool will be considered for admission.